Sunday, January 4, 2009

HAPPY NEW YEAR! a return to prolificity!

i'd had the phrase "return to profligacy" in my head all day. i just looked up "profligacy" in the dictionary. a real, hard bound book. turns out i was WAY off base. the word i was looking for was "prolificity."

from webster's unabridged dictionary:

prolificity, under prolific: 4. characterized by abundant production

profligacy: 1. shameless dissoluteness, 2. reckless extravagance


**note: i'd dated this card jan 5, not 4th b/c the date on my watch isn't set correctly. especially funny when you read about my confidence about the correct date on the card. pfft.

written on a postcard featuring chicago's merchandise mart**

1.5.2009 -- A new year! how about that? 1st postcard written in the new year.
1st time date written. please note: the correct year was written without error. probably as i was conscious of the "first" quality of it.
am sitting in a sunny patch @ cafe los feliz (heart) w/a dbl decaf cappuccino & apricot cookie.
today is my first day home from a 9 day trip to chicago & new york. i never quite acclimated to the time diff, waking up at about noon everyday while there.
so today i was up @ 8:30 a. hooray!

I feel as though i might be coming down w/some end-o-long-travel cold. trying to burn it out with sun & mobility. grrr!

the end of the year is always a time to reflect on the year, take stock of things...i've been so occupied the last week+, i'm just getting down to it. Many "this time last year" sentences rolling around in my head. i'm hoping to spend considerable amount of time w/those thoughts today. tomorrow i'm back to work. such a foreign idea at this point: hallmark of a quality vacation. :)

for now: this cappuccino + this lynda barry book + this sunny spot = excellent

Happy, Happy New Year! xo-

ps. have made much progress on your scarf. knit in chicago, nyc & across the u.s. on virgin america!

**note: the scarf ref'd is something i'm knitting by request by this card recipient. :) **


Brian Padian said...

wait a second. not only is there an error w/ the date but your entry mentions a decaf beverage. that can't be accurate

ms. yvon said...

i do partake of the decaf. please don't think less of me.

mogomom said...

so many parts of this entry make me happy; l. barry, scarf and virgin america. did you LOVE??

ms. yvon said...

i bought three episodes of tv to watch! i was into the music, but couldn't get the non-radio feature to work. argh!