Thursday, January 22, 2009

from the desk of ms. y.

this is my desk. the padding on the wall is sound baffling. i'm not a fan of it, but it keeps the noise from the adjacent office lower.
i'll be spending a lot of time here over the next month. our schedule is ramping up to some tight delivery deadlines, so i'll be working some late nights and weekends. no complaints: the fridge here is stocked with 1/2 & 1/2.

this was the desk i used at "the cleaner." the assortment of coffee cups and cookie are a good representation. (what you can't see in the current pic is my thermal coffee mug, a coffee cup full of tangerine wedges, my thermos (now depleted of its coffee store), a cup of water, and half a banana.)


bigplastichead said...

What show are you working on now?

Friend Without Cable

ms. yvon said...

"Life" an nbc drama. right now it's on weds before "law & order."
it's about a photographer turned web designer who solves crimes while camping. i think you'd dig it. :)

bigplastichead said...

Now THAT is my kind of show! Does he play in a rock band in his spare time too?