Thursday, April 9, 2009

i've never met ruben kinkaid

i'm not one to get too star struck. most of the time. but...

i just had lunch with shirley jones.
she's a guest star in the current episode of the show i'm working on. she sat down with the editorial staff and chatted with us all.

as an 8 yr old i taped up clipped pix of sean cassidy on my wall. now i am now 1 degree removed from sean and david cassidy.

O! Hollywood! what a weird town you are.

also: steve landesburg (sgt dietrich from barney miller!!) is in the ep, too. he was sitting at the next table. just seeing him put his lunch tray down made me all giddy. and last week i met joe don baker! mmmmitchell!!

ps. snax of note: turkish coffee, choc chip cookie from catering.

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