Thursday, February 19, 2009

tastes like grape

for the record: i did it. i drank deep of the f/b kool-aid and within 3 hours found the woman who was my tennis team double partner in highschool. she also played a mean game of defender back in the day. :)

i've got to figure out how to use the f/b powers for good not evil and not let the whole thing overwhelm me. my email acct. was packed with f/b related stuff. lord.

other day 1 highlights: "becoming a fan" of curtis mayfield AND zankou (sweet, sweet zankou),
seeing pix from the babe ranch (no judging!), getting invited to prom in dubai, finally getting ahold of sea so that she could come to the andrew bird show, and discovering how to IM bp. :D

with that: work. these opening credits will not place themselves.


Brian Padian said...

you can change all those email settings so you're not constantly updated w/ news that "Danny just joined a group!" or what have you.

ms. yvon said...

who's danny? what group? should i join? is it a good group? do they serve snacks? can i be sargeant at arms?

(dude, good to know. i'm losing work related emails in the crush of fb updates)