Friday, January 14, 2011

i'm your man

last spring my friends brian and margaret produced a short film titled, "i'm your man." margaret adapted her story to screenplay and brian directed the film. i cut it. brian is in portland, i'm in los angeles, so we were working long distance. after making a pass of the film i'd send a quicktime to brian. he'd watch it then send me notes. since he wasn't in the cutting room i wanted him to see what his film looked like on the avid. i sent him this pic.
the finished short is on brian's site: northern flicker films. i've cut two shorts for brian and one music video.
fun fact: i cut this during slower times while working on a tv show. we couldn't have afforded the avid rental otherwise. ;)
last week brian launched a short film podcast: last film i saw.

his and margaret's futon is often where i camp out when i stay in portland. last May they loaned me this folding chair and a flashlight for my sasquatch campsite. that chair has cupholders: brilliant!

what i'd inteded to be a "pic du jour" is shaping up to be a love letter to my pals m & b, so i'll cut this short.

in summation: they are amazing and i'm lucky my path continues to cross theirs. usually near terrific beer. and mexican food. in portland.


lady said...

we love you!! we were talking about how great you are last night. (must have been picking up on the love vibe)

thanks for such a nice post.

ps - you're WAY overdue for a visit.

Brian Padian said...


ps - what m said

mogomom said...

you're all awesome. xoxo