Wednesday, December 30, 2009

relics of days past or, "you want my badge and gun?"

yesterday i pulled some stuff out of my storage bin destined for the recycling bin. one box was full of paperwork from the thesis films i edited in college, some random shot logs from when i script supervised for friends and the wrap paperwork from the one feature i've edited, "Down & Dirty." this is not a good movie, but it was a blast to work with Fred Williamson. i've got some fucking awesome stories of working with The Hammer. the binder of negative pull and cut lists i turned over to the negative cutter (negative? film negative? boy howdy, this was only nine years ago.) included this cover letter:

July 5, 2000

[Negative Cutter]
Mr. X and Mr. Y,

A few notes regarding the lists:

I was unable to generate cut lists with accurate keys for shots that occur within dissolves. We've annotated the lists with the keys from the telecine tapes. Also, I've drawn charts that resemble marked workprints for all the dissolves.

There are many small discrepancies in the cutlists. We've marked offages of more than one frame in the margin. There are a few that are off by 5 or 6 frames.

The black space at the head of Reel 01 will be occupied by either an animation or the Po' Boy logo, or still cards. The head credits and end crawl will be done at the lab. I will get you their name and number.

The beta tapes of the reels are provided for you to make 3/4" dubs "just the way you like." There is no reel window burn on them, so you can place it on your dubs. Please return these to Golden Lion Studios (phone number here) when you've made your dubs.

You can reach me at: defunct phone number. Page me or leave a brief voice mail.

We had particular difficulty with the EDL generator on this project. Although we went through each edit to check the accuracy of the numbers, the adjustments that the cutlist generator made continue to be a mystery. I am pleased to know that your family is looking after our negative.

Thank you in advance,

[Ms. Y.],
Editor, "Down & Dirty"

that trio of actors includes: Fred Willliamson, Gary Busey and David Carridine. yep.


BeeKay said...

Offage is a word?!

ms. yvon said...

(Gruber lean) Industry term!