Monday, January 26, 2009

further acquistions and analog pleasures

last week i got some pix back from the developer. pix captured on film negative. when i told one friend i was wating to get some film developed he chuckled.
i love my little film camera. i love camera negative. maybe it's related to cutting 16mm ftg on a film bench. i love holding up the negative/print and seeing the image right there. tangible.


the time has come: i'd really like to have a digital camera.
nothing too sophisticated. the last time i handled a camera with detachable lenses was 1991.
so i'm looking for recommendations. (paddysat, pneyu, preferred b, marg, mogomom, whiteplains: any tutelage you can offer in the way of megapixels, resolution and design would be appreciated.)

also: i've been sniffing around the facebook koolaid. a co-worker told me today that i could set my profile to different privacy standards. this is key. there are those spooky people who one would rather see remain in the ether. *shudder*

singing me through monday morning: neko case & the sadies. fucking a.


mogomom said...

I love my little Olympus. It's nothing special, just real small, 7mp, super easy, lots of features, and red ;-)
re: FB -- beware. it's a major timesuck. you can be super strict with the privacy settings and you can not "add" people if you don't want. it's a great way to get in touch with people you haven't seen/heard in ages, and stay in touch with the ones you want. but i waste a lot of time there :-(

ms. yvon said...

hmm. i do already have plenty of online irons in the fire...

thanks for the camera info! so, you're happy with the resolution with 7mp? does the olympus come in green? :)

pneyu said...

We can talk about this more next time I see you, but here's my short take on digital cameras: CANON. It's the one I carry around everywhere, they come in at decent price points, and I love the pictures I take with it. Megapixels are not that big a deal at this point; 7MP should get you far.

I'm a Facebook holdout, despite lots of pressure--even from my roommate! I may eventually give in, but I personally like being out of touch, to tell you the truth.

bigplastichead said...

I, too, recommend Canon. Good lenses, good features.

And Facebook is only a time suck if you "throw virtual snowballs" at your friends or "buy your friends a round of virtual drinks". That stuff is garbage. Karen was able to get in touch with all her old Peace Corps friends that way.

ms. yvon said...

thanks, everyone!

getting in touch with some long lost types is exactly why i would want to sign up for facebook. no one uses friendster anymore. :)

BeeKay said...

I'm definitely one to encourage you to drink the Facebook kool-aid, E. It's only as time-sucky and ridiculous as you make it. After all, only on Facebook could I be invited to an "event" where another invited guest is Judah Friedlander. Ha!

I also second the Canon recommendation. I love mine, but am sometimes jealous of Paul's zoom capabilities.

thevalet said...

I am totally catching up on people's blog postings, so sorry I didn't see this earlier...but yeah, I'm on the Canon bandwagon as well.

The small digital elphs are just so damn convenient and plenty good enough for most things. I've hung onto my older model and still use it when I don't feel like bringing my bigger one along. So that's what I'd recommend. Plus they're very reasonably priced and easy to use.

Re: Facebook...All the cool kids are doing it! It's definitely addictive to a point, but after a while you learn what's worth paying attention to and what's ignorable. People always say they don't want to be contacted by people from their past, but I find that once you sign up, there'll be at least one person you haven't thought about in a while who you'll hear from -- and be glad you did.

Brian Padian said...

hi e -
i have a little sony cybershot. 4 mpixels but it's the lower end of the quality spectrum.

as for fb, i have found several long lost friends. one minute you haven't had contact in 20 yrs, the next minute you're looking at pix of them from a bbq they went to yesterday. it's nuts