Friday, October 8, 2010

Cheez-Its, Etc

**special props to BeeKay of Fancy Italian Words for today's title**

just about two months ago i made a whirlwind trip to Chicago. left los angeles at 4:30am on saturday and was back sunday at 10pm.

i don't know that i have much time to write about that short trip, but these things happened:

--4:30 am run to Ontario airport with easily fooled quoting "30 Rock" and dishing season 1 of "Mad Man" the entire way
--right off the blue line in Humboldt Park popped into the Boiler Room for a restorative before heading to hotel s & s for some of this:
--and this:
--at 3am cabbed to chez superschein to find a bed all set up for me.
--woke at 9:30am to the sound of the toddle upstairs running wind sprints on the wood floor.
--then breakfast with allison @ over easy: my. favorite. breakfast. spot. in. chicago. *swoon*
(i agree that the humpty dumpty painting back there is creepy.)

what's really brewing under this clumsy string of pix is what the week of my birthday was like. i'm not implying besotted shenanigans, but a small thing, the arrivial of a piece of correspondence in my mailbox, that changed things. for the better. but still, felt like i'd gotten walloped with a big fish. i'm not trying to be coy by being vague, i just don't have time to get into it.

also: the rest of the week was pretty terrific.. :)